Yoel and Asmeret's Story

Asmeret, a single mother of three boys – two with disabilities  says she was blessed to receive the lifeline that is a Youngcare At Home Care Grant.

When Asmeret found out she was pregnant with twins, she knew life would become very busy, already having a toddler who kept her on her toes! She could never have predicted what was to come in the following months and years.  

“I have an older son, when he was only 9 months old, I fell pregnant again!” 

Two beautiful baby boys hurried into the world at only 28 weeks’ gestation, Asmeret, her husband and oldest son were thrilled to meet them. It wasn’t long before the twins began to show signs of slower development, and Asmeret was given the news that Yoel has Cerebral Palsy and later, that Yosam has Autism.  

The family of five supported each other and were determined not to let the boys’ conditions stop them from enjoying their lives. For 18 months Asmeret and her husband lived in chaotic bliss, enjoying the wild ride that is raising three boys under three! And then the unthinkable happened – Asmeret’s husband tragically passed away.  

“After only 18 months with our twins, I became a widow.” 

Overcome with grief, Asmeret was now faced with the challenge of caring for her boys all on her own – a feat that becomes overwhelming when your children have high care needs. Asmeret’s family lived overseas, and prior to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) external supports were mostly beyond her financial reach, so Asmeret became the boys’ sole carer.  

“You just have to do it as a Mum, it was hard, but I didn’t feel it back then. Now, I am older, I feel it.” 

Now 22 years old, Yoel and Yosam still live at home and require Asmeret’s full-time care, but thankfully she can now access the NDIS and receives support. Yoel has complex physical disabilities and requires support with all his daily activities. While he cannot walk, Yoel is uncomfortable using a wheelchair and so spends most of his time crawling on the floor.  

All of his support needs were taken care of on the carpet floor – feeding, changing incontinence pads, dressing and playing. Asmeret was becoming worried about infection, with germs being harboured in the difficult to clean and often wet carpet. In addition, it was difficult to push Yoel on his wheeled shower chair across the thick carpet and move his equipment around the house. While she cleaned regularly and meticulously, it was time consuming and hard work for Asmeret who was already overwhelmed with chores and her own growing health concerns.  

Shockingly, Asmeret was recently diagnosed with cancer, she is bravely undergoing treatment and understandably needs to focus on her own health as much as possible.  

“I am still having a lot of examinations…I have to stay positive, but I am scared to be honest. I have three sons and they all need me, just one parent. But I am in the best country with the best treatment, I am looking at the positives.”  

So, Asmeret reached out to Youngcare for some help. Through an At Home Care Grant, Asmeret and Yoel received funding to pull up the carpets in their house and replace the carpet with floating floors. 

Asmeret said the new floors are quick and easy to clean and importantly, make it much easier to move Yoel from the bathroom to his bedroom in his wheeled shower chair, any water dropped along the way a breeze to wipe up.  

“So easy to clean, and all the equipment is moving around easily. It is a great help and meets a real need. I can’t afford $9,000, where would I get it? This would never happen [without the grants].” 

Asmeret is overcome with gratitude and has this beautiful message to share with Youngcare’s kind supporters –  

“I am grateful and very blessed to get this grant. Hopefully whatever you have given, God will give you back double, that is what I wish for you. You have given happiness and so I just wish for your health and happiness too. Thank you is not enough. Thank you is too simple; I would say ‘bless you.’” 


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