Brett's Story

Brett was a gifted young boy; a talented artist and a great child to his Mother, Father and brother to his two siblings. An unfortunate pushbike riding accident at 13 years old changed the course of Brett’s life forever.

He was riding on the footpath near his local shopping centre on the Gold Coast when a passerby told Brett and his friends to move onto the road. Brett was the first one to take off onto the road, followed by his group of friends. The sun was setting and unfortunately the passing car did not see him.

He was hit only a few months after turning 13, just before helmets were made compulsory for bicycle riders. His head was split from ear to ear, and by all accounts, Brett didn’t stand a chance. But he pulled through and his family are so grateful to still have him here today.

Brett will be 46 in December, and from the time of the accident to now, has lived in several different facilities. He spent some time being cared for at home when he was younger, but ever since has bounced from institution to institution until his family found a facility specific to brain injury sufferers, where he has stayed for the last 20 years.


When his Mum, Susan found out that the facility was closing to be turned into office space she knew she needed to find somewhere that Brett could call home.

“I was taken out by Michelle to see the share house next door, to show me what they were going to build and I was just taken by it. I thought ‘this is just fabulous, I hope my son could get something like that!’. Now, he’s been lucky enough to get a spot which we are really delighted about.” – Susan, Brett’s Mum.

Brett has an extremely active mind and is not content to just sit still. He loves his puzzle books, and word finding games as well as going out.

“He loves getting out, doesn’t matter where he goes, even if it’s just sitting at the shopping centre with a coffee and a puzzle book with his carer.” – Susan

Moving into the share house means that Brett will have friends around him in his home and be given the ability to connect with people in a way that he couldn’t at the old facility. There will be a smaller number of residents around him, in a more peaceful and intimate home environment rather than an institution.


He will have the freedom to go out every day, with easy access to public transport, the city, and local shops and cafes.

To the donors who make this possible, Susan would like to say thank you.

“It’s wonderful what you do. Absolutely, thank you thank you thank you, wonderful job.” – Susan

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A huge thanks to our supporters 

Stan and Maureen Duke Foundation
Betta Home Living
Une Parkinson Foundation
The Co Group
Network First
Channel Nine
ALS Global
National Storage
The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust
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