Helensvale Housemates

“I didn’t have the freedom that I have today. I just couldn’t go out by myself like I do here.” Jack said.

These words from Jack, who lives with cerebral palsy, echo the silent struggles of countless others.

Now living in a Youngcare home, Jack lives a very busy and social life.

Jack’s loving family home was in a remote corner of Queensland. With no wheelchair access in his hometown, Jack was a prisoner inside his own home. Public transport was a distant dream, and independence was way beyond his reach. He yearned to connect, to feel the pulse of his community, but the barriers were just too great.

Jack’s story is not unique; 1 in 6 people with disabilities experience social isolation, but together we can change that. Will you give a tax-deductible donation to help young people with physical disabilities feel at home, safe, secure, and equal, in their communities? 

Jack now lives in a share house designed and built by Youngcare where he navigates the world with newfound freedom. His home, strategically located with wheelchair access and convenience in mind, is a gateway to independence. Jack travels to work, meets friends, and embraces life on his terms.

Jack’s housemate, David, also feels a newfound sense of independence in their home. For 15 years, David lived in a facility where he felt held back. Despite his longing for autonomy, David’s belongings were stored out of reach, denying him the simple joys of making coffee or cooking dinner for himself. He felt trapped by the dependency that was forced upon him.

“They wouldn’t let me cook…I wanted to move out quickly.” – David.

Often, young people with physical disabilities are not given the opportunity to demonstrate their independence because their environment fails to meet their physical needs.

Finally, David’s wish came true when he moved into his Youngcare home. His home was designed with physical disability in mind, with simple yet life changing adaptations such as adjustable benchtops. David can now cook for himself and his housemates with safety, confidence and ease. A simple thing like cooking can mean so much to someone who craves independence, having had none for so many years.

Can we count on your tax-deductible donation to empower young individuals with physical disabilities, like David? Please, donate today.

A home is more than just a space to exist. It can make or break someone’s happiness, regardless of their care needs. For someone like Geoff, who has complex disabilities, a safe home environment means everything. In Geoff’s previous home, his mental health was compounded by feeling unsafe in his environment. Geoff was shutting down and choosing to isolate himself in his bedroom regularly.

Sadly, these feelings are not uncommon; people with disabilities are 12 times more likely to experience psychological distress than those without a disability.

When asked what his old home was like, Geoff said:

“Jail. I didn’t like it…the other people that lived there weren’t nice to me.”

Having a safe and comfortable home is something we all deserve, but sadly, for people with complex physical disabilities, it is not easily attainable. You can help provide a safe space. Please give today if you can!

Since moving in with Jack and David at the Youngcare home, Geoff says he feels safe, secure and comfortable. Geoff’s support worker explained that he is choosing to interact with his housemates, with his incidents of shutting down becoming less and less each day.

“Geoff has really blossomed since being here…you can really see that Geoff is in a much happier place,” – Geoff’s support worker said.

For people with complex physical disabilities, like Jack, David and Geoff, a home that caters to their needs is life changing. The right home can facilitate access to an entire community of opportunities. The right home can encourage independence. The right home can provide a safe haven.

The sad reality is that there are still thousands of young people who need your support to find their safe haven. Help us continue our mission to create a world where young people with complex physical disabilities have choice, independence and dignity. Can you please give a tax-deductible gift today?

Together, we will give freedom, independence and safety to young Australians with complex physical disabilities.

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A huge thanks to our supporters 

Stan and Maureen Duke Foundation
The Co Group
Network First
Channel Nine
The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust
National Storage
ALS Global
Betta Home Living
Une Parkinson Foundation
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