Jasmin's Story

Jasmin is 34 years old and has Cerebral Palsy. As a result of this she has an intellectual impairment which means she communicates with the ability of a 10-year-old. Because of her vulnerability and lack of appropriate place for her to live individually, Jasmin has lived with her Mum her whole life.

“I have always lived at home with my Mum. We are both totally over living together, we’re ready to have our own space now, Jasmin said while speaking to us. 

“I am most excited to be able to do my own thing. I’ll be able to cook my dinner every night, I’ll be able to have friends over, I can sit and watch TV when I want. I’m looking forward to decorating my own space and buying paintings!” 

“In my spare time I like to watch TV, and go out, I like to go out a lot. I like being independent.” She explained.

When we spoke to her Mum, Kylie, we asked what excited her most about Jas having her own place.

Personally, for me I am excited almost beyond words…it is such a beautiful thing to see your child grow up and be ready to take on the world and begin their own ‘grown up’ journey. For us, rather than the usual 18 years, it has been 34 years in the making! 

I am looking forward to visiting my eldest daughter in her home. Just dropping by for a chat or a coffee together, like I can do with my other daughter. Checking in to see what’s new in her life, what she has been up to, what she is making for dinner etc. Maybe even getting invited over for a meal.  

I am also really interested to see her tastes develop, how she will decorate her place, what colours and patterns, textures prints, etc. 

This opportunity for Jas to live in accommodation that not only supports, but allows her to develop her abilities, will be a total life changer! It allows me to just be a ‘mum’ to her for the first time ever in our relationship! Also, the security of knowing that we have choices about who provides her support is crucial. Jas has some very strong bonds with particular workers and is very excited that she can continue to have them support her in her new home. 

For Jas it is knowing that she can do more for herself without having to constantly ask someone to do things for her. If she wants to go outside for a wander around the garden, she can get herself outside. Getting a snack out of the cupboard when she feels like it, not only when someone is around to get it ready. Doing a load of washing for herself. Inviting her friends over to visit or for dinner. Listening to her music and dancing around when she feels like it.  

I think the main thing is we will have an opportunity to develop a relationship that’s not just about being a carer. I’ll get to be a Mum and Jas can just get to be the daughter. She’ll be an independent woman out on her own! 

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Channel Nine
Stan and Maureen Duke Foundation
Network First
National Storage
The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust
The Co Group
ALS Global
Une Parkinson Foundation
Betta Home Living
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