John's Story

“Everything was normal, and then John went home and had a stroke. Just like that.”– Maree, John’s sister

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John was the Principal Lawyer in the Office of International Law in the Attorney-General’s Department in Canberra. A lover of all things art and culture, John was living the young life that he had always imagined; having visited 69 countries, he was travelling the world, exploring his hobbies and living life at 100%.

When John suffered an unexpected stroke in his 40’s, his life changed in an instant. Suddenly, his family was faced with the heartbreaking news that the only place for him to live was long term aged care. In the 10 months that John spent stuck in the hospital system while his family searched for alternatives, he lost 16 kilograms, his hope, dignity and independence.

In one night, John had gone from a vibrant young man to a man whose future was frighteningly uncertain. By Tuesday when his family arrived, John had deteriorated significantly. The only option that the family was given for John was aged care, and that is no place for a young man.

The family desperately turned to Youngcare for help, hoping that the new apartments at Albany Creek, could offer an alternative to the sad reality that John was currently facing.

“We didn’t really have a plan B. It had to be this.” – Maree, John’s sister

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When the family was notified that John had been approved for his very own apartment at Albany Creek, their lives were changed in an instant once again… for the better this time.

“[Since moving in] John has gained a sense of independence again. Even though he needs 24/7 support, the Youngcare apartment allows him the freedom to decorate, have family and friends over. And he can choose to do that, he has the freedom because he is not in an institution” – Maree, John’s sister

Now, John’s days are filled with activities, entertaining visitors and social outings. His apartment is full of his favourite things; art lines the walls and he can watch his favourite cooking shows whenever he pleases. With their own choice of therapists, the family has seen drastic improvements in John’s condition, who is now able to participate in conversation, even cracking jokes.

Without your continuous support John’s family do not know where he would have ended up. They were facing a bleak future, dull and lifeless in comparison to the life that he has now.

Donate now to help more people like John regain their choice, independence and dignity.

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A huge thanks to our supporters 

Betta Home Living
Channel Nine
Une Parkinson Foundation
National Storage
Stan and Maureen Duke Foundation
ALS Global
The Co Group
The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust
Network First
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