The tabling of the Senate Inquiry, The Adequacy of Existing Residential Care Arrangements Available for Young People with Severe Physical, Mental or Intellectual Disabilities in Australia reveals the true extent of the significant issues faced by young people with high care needs waking up each day in residential aged care.
We know from experience that the lack of services specific to young people with high care needs can be devastating for young people and their loved ones. With the tabling of this Senate Inquiry, now is the time for the state and federal governments to step up and fix this problem once and for all.
Youngcare’s submission proposed 12 recommendations to the Committee that are relevant to young people living in aged care and the ongoing implementation of the NDIS in Australia. 11 of Youngcare’s recommendations are aligned with the final recommendations put forward in the Senate Inquiry.
These recommendations are a big step towards granting young people with high care needs access to vital services as soon as possible.
In order to deliver the ‘joined up’ service response that these young people with complex health and disability support needs require, health, housing, aged care and disability services must work collaboratively.
Immediately implementing the recommendations put forward by the report will mean that young people will win their freedom, and ultimately will be granted the opportunity to live a life of choice, independence and dignity in age-appropriate accommodation.
CLICK HERE to read Youngcare’s Senate Inquiry submission.
CLICK HERE to read further details about the Senate Inquiry.